Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WOLM Lectures at SRJC

     The first WOLM lecture i attended was Robert Johnson's beautiful malady by Richard Speaks.  Speaks was a really good speaker.  His lecture was interesting too.  His lecture was all about Robert Johnson (Sherman Alexie's character) He had a lot of  interesting facts on Johnson for example he was born in 1911 in hazelwood Mississippi, He only played the blues, He married at 18 to a 16 year old who died giving birth to their baby, ect. The lecture was very interesting and i'm glad I went.
     The next lecture I attended was Living on the Rez... yesterday, today, and tomorrow by Brenda flyswithhawks.  I think out of both this lecture was my favorite.  I think I enjoyed this lecture more because flyswithhawks actually came from a reservation she had her own personal experiences about what were learning about.  Everything she talked about was really interesting.  I never knew that the SRJC was Pomo land.  Its also really sad how the tribes actually live.   I thought Alexie was being a little dramatic because it was a book but he wasnt at all.  Flyswithhawks taught me a lot of things I never knew about native americans.  Im really glad I learned those things because it will really help me write a better paper.  I would definitely go to another lecture of hers.  Overall I really enjoyed both lectures I attended and hope to go to more.
     My personal opinion on the novel Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie was good.  I really enjoyed the novel, it was really interesting to learn everything I did about living on a real reservation.  I would have never have none anything about reservations if i never read this book.  Alexie, also is a very strong writer which makes the novel that much better.  Reading this book has made me much more interested in learning about Native Americans.  I also want to try to read all of Alexie's other works!

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